My Canadian Pharmacy is an aggregator of goods from pharmacy chains. It is the most comprehensive directory of pharmacies’ addresses in Canada. The website has a convenient search allowing you to find the pharmacy you need: online pharmacy, homeopathic store, dispensary of veterinary medicines, 24/7 e-pharmacy, etc. The service helps to find all the necessary medicines at the best price, to receive an order delivered right to your door and at a convenient time. We work directly with the largest brands and reliable pharmacy chains. Prices and availability of goods are displayed in real time, and we do not charge extra.
Booking medicines online at MCP website, you are guaranteed to receive goods at a fixed price in the order. Our service assists you in choosing and ordering medicines, vitamins, dietary supplements, medical products, devices, hygiene products, cosmetics, products for mothers and babies, diet food and diapers. On the product cards, you can find products’ detailed description and instructions for use, indications and contraindications. Moreover, the service will show similar drugs with the same active substance: if you wish, you can choose a cheaper analogue or a replacement for the drug.
All Canadian pharmacies on one portal
In order to maintain your health in time or to find the right medication, sometimes you have to get around a lot of pharmacies and they are not always nearby. So you spend a lot of time and effort instead of taking advantage of a more fascinating application. However, now all pharmacies in Canada are just one step away from you. To find any medicine, you just need to use our website.
You will receive all the necessary information in a matter of minutes:
- address;
- opening hours;
- prices comparison;
- data on coupons and discount programs;
- a phone number to find out about the price and availability of the drug.
We have collected all the pharmacies in Canada on this site to save your time. A convenient search system will allow you to find the nearest store in any location. The service works around the clock, so you get unformed at any moment. Round-the-clock pharmacies are allocated in a separate category, so the desired drug can be purchased almost immediately. If you are interested in drugs used in alternative medicine, study the section “Homeopathic pharmacies”. It will show you exactly what you are looking for: tees, herbs, infusions, ointments and much more. The portal also has the most comprehensive list of online pharmacies, offline drug stores and pharmacy chains. It is not always possible to personally go for medicines, so in this case it is best to use the services of Internet pharmacies, which are located on the “Home delivery” page. By calling the contact number from the profile of the selected institution, it is easy to make a complete list and order drugs directly home. You will save not only effort and time, but also a lot of money.
Comparison of drug prices in pharmacies
My Canadian Pharmacy facilitates the selection of favorable offers for pharmacies. The search for medicines is carried out at online pharmacies presented on the web page. All you need to do is to choose a city, enter the name of the drug and the system will show you current offers. We work directly with the data of pharmacies and provide relevant information on the current price level from the sellers directly.
Ordering drugs
We search for drugs based on open access and are not related to the commercial activities of sellers. In order to purchase drugs in a particular pharmacy, go to its website and use the order form. You can find out the procedure for receiving the goods on the pharmacy page or directly on the website. When using the “Basket” service on My Canadian Pharmacy website, it acts as an information intermediary between a buyer and a pharmacy. The received order is transferred to a pharmacy and further interaction with a buyer is carried out by a seller’s pharmacy operator.
The process of placing an order on the service is as follows: MCP will send your order to an employee of your chosen pharmacy or pharmacy network (hereinafter referred to as the operator). The operator will contact you by phone specified by you in the order. After confirming the order, clarifying the details, the order and method of receipt, the pharmacy will collect and reserve the goods for you. Some pharmacies immediately upon receipt of the order collect goods and make reservations. Such pharmacies inform you about the readiness of the order using SMS to the phone number you have specified. After that, you have your order delivered within 2-3 business days.
We are constantly working to provide you with the most relevant information on the availability of goods and prices in pharmacies. But, despite this, there may be deviations in price and quantity in stock in a particular pharmacy for reasons beyond our control. Therefore, according to the legislation of Canada, we are obliged to inform you that the offers of pharmacies on our service are not a public offer.
Mobile application
My Canadian Pharmacy aggregator is one of the first mobile applications for smartphones combining various services for booking pharmacy products. Now a user can order the necessary preparations in a convenient interface, after comparing prices. Currently, we unite most popular and reliable pharmacies in Canada. Our online service for ordering medicines in the nearest online pharmacies has combined leading pharmacy chains and distribution companies on one website providing the maximum number of services available today in one mobile application.
Now any user can find a necessary drug in a couple of minutes, after comparing the prices, and order delivery to a pharmacy convenient to him, or book a product and have it DDP delivered at a convenient time. Reservation takes place directly at the pharmacy office, so the price of the medicine will not change and it will not be able to sell to another person. The mobile application allows you to order pharmacy products with home delivery (except for medicines and medical products, the delivery of which is prohibited by law). According to the project developers, from the point of view of IT technologies, MCP is a complex product. It is not only the creation of IT solutions. So, when connecting new partners to the project (pharmacy chains and distribution companies), it is necessary to link their catalogues to a single database. In addition, for the convenience of users, a clear structure of a single reference guide was created: professional medical terms were translated into an accessible language, all products were provided with pictures, and a variable search was also made possible. To find the right product in a our portal, you can enter its name, symptoms or illness in the search box. To find a medicine from a home medicine cabinet, just read its barcode. A voice search function is also provided.
My Canadian Pharmacy service allows you to:
- compare drug prices in pharmacies in your city
- get full information about medicines
- check the availability of selected products in the pharmacy
- book the necessary drugs and pick up the order at a convenient time without waiting in line
We are not just a free and convenient service. This is a new way of buying in a pharmacy created to make a familiar process of acquiring medicines and any other pharmacy products more pleasant and cheaper. The service allows users to find everything they need in a short time and at the best price, because MCP works with pharmacies directly and provides customers with complete information about their assortment and prices. My Canadian Pharmacy helps pharmacies increase their competitiveness in the pharmacy market and find new customers.