Levitra Generic (Vardenafil) | ED | Map of Medicine

Erectile dysfunction is one of the plagues concerning sexual life in men. They struggle, are embarrassed, and disappointed with their male power. And, as a result, in today’s world, many patients who have been officially diagnosed with impotence may find themselves aggressive and even dangerous because they take out on innocent people who are successful in the intimate life. Thus, it is crucial to prevent the causes or moderate them as soon as possible. One of the solutions along with Viagra is Generic Levitra. It does not only prove to be an efficient instrument but a true assistant to revive and feel pleasure and confidence in other parts of life. So, here is the guide to why and when you should turn to its help, and some details encompassing information about side effects that some distributors willingly hide.

Clinical Picture

Levitra Generic is a time-proven drug used to help men with erectile dysfunction symptoms, in particular, their low or absent erection. It can help to alleviate the complications during sexual intercourse. And, it functions by easing and widening the muscles in the walls of the blood vessels and enhances the blood flow to the penis. As a result, a man gets the erection as fast as possible.

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This drug belongs to the group of PDE5 inhibitors that, in turn, block an enzyme and boost nitric oxide in the body. This is how the erection comes and you keep it steady during the whole intercourse. Depending on your power, and health condition, you can regulate the duration of sex but make sure you consult your doctor to exclude the contraindications and set the right direction of fighting your impotence signs. What else? Its active ingredient is Vardenafil. It helps patients to be sexually stimulated. But, keep in mind, without previous foreplay it is helpless the same as other ED drugs. Moreover, Levitra does not treat sexually transmitted diseases, so whenever you are about to have planned sexual intercourse, think of protecting yourself with contraception such as condoms.

Dosing Regimen of Levitra Generic

As per manufacturers, an instruction predetermines the initial dosage of 10 mg. But, for men older than 65 years, the first dose will be 5mg only. Take it 60 minutes prior to the sexual intercourse, wash it down with enough water. The approximate result takes place within 30 minutes, and it may last for 5 hours on average again depending on the individuals. There are no strict requirements toward the intake, so patients can take it with or without the food. However, regarding alcohol consumption or grapefruits products, a person is recommended to abstain or lower them. In some cases, the alcohol abuse history may become a contraindication for the intake. If you do not feel any effect after taking the initial dosage, it is strictly forbidden to change it by increasing or decreasing. All the observations on the results should be addressed to the doctor. Only after he will determine the cause of inefficiency and set the right treatment. In case, you feel bad, nauseous, or experience other symptoms after taking the Levitra, seek the medical aid and stop using this drug.


Mixing drugs is one of the most dangerous activities some patients do both intentionally or through a lack of knowledge. In fact, there are two groups of medications that you should be aware of. The first one is a group which you cannot interact with Levitra because it may bear dangerous consequences.

Check some of them:

  • Antiarrhythmic;
  • Domperidone;
  • Ziprasidone;
  • Pimozide;
  • Bepridil.

The next group should alert you because it can cause severe side effects or even fatal consequences. They are nitrates, protease inhibitors, and mifepristone.

Side Effects of Levitra Generic

Again, the same as its brother-sisters Viagra and Kamagra, Levitra causes similar side effects. Usually, they are small and bear a temporary character. Besides, in most cases, they are connected with the improper intake or misunderstanding of the instructions from the manufacturer. So, the first rule is to never play with the dosages. It means you cannot take more than 10mg at once if you do not experience any results. Secondly, you have to consult a doctor to prevent any negative consequences.

As of now, the common side effects are:

  • Headache;
  • Running nose;
  • Nausea;
  • Dizziness.

In the case of dizziness, try to minimize or exclude sudden wake-ups or fast movements. If you have had a history of heart diseases but a doctor allows you to go for Levitra, you can possibly experience a kind of a strain on your heart system. In this event, stop immediately the sexual intercourse, take some rest, and get medical help if the pain only rises. Sometimes, patients may also experience their erection to last more than usual. It is a serious cause and does not belong to the effects of Levitra. Please, get medical help as well. At last, some people have an allergy to the components of Levitra. Usually, they are discussed during the doctor’s appointment, but if you have never had any such manifestations before, stop taking the drug, and consult your healthcare provider again.

Top Benefits

Today, any person can buy ED medications online. They may go for overnight or express deliveries. Levitra is considered one of the bestsellers and it never lets its competitor Viagra yield the fruits the most.

If you consider buying it for the first time, check the benefits you will come across before the purchase:

  • It does not require a prescription. Find reliable drugstore, order and buy it without any unnecessary documentation. Only you choose the number of pills and strength. However, such an option is not a substitute to meet your doctor;
  • Its effect takes place fast. On average you need to wait only 20–30 minutes and you can start sexual intercourse. And, it lasts for about 5 hours. Remember about foreplay;
  • It is easy to use. Only one pill one time per day and you do not need to write notes about the intake schedule;
  • Fewer side effects. Moreover, they are none if you follow a doctor’s recommendation;
  • Anonymity aspect. If buying online, a man can remain his persona confidential compared to the neighborhood pharmacies where you need to experience prying eyes;
  • Low prices. Forget about branded analogs that do not differ much from the generics. You can save your pocket even with continuous discounts on ED drugs;
  • Opaque packages. Only a customer will see the stuffing of a delivered box.

At last, its benefit lays in confidentiality during sexual intercourse. If you are too shy or have no intention to share with your partner the fact of its intake, the effect disappears straight after the sex. So, no one will understand you took some pills for your erection.