Viagra and Cialis

Effectiveness Comparison of Viagra and Cialis

The modern worlds of science and medicine provide the ordinary customers with a tremendous variety of the quality products, which are capable of treating different ailments and deviations. One of the most important troubles that can happen with any men in any age is a problem with erection.

In all times, there existed thousands of traditional methods and natural products, which were able to partially resolve some types of erectile dysfunctions. Nevertheless, they lacked stability and effectuality. In addition, many of them were dangerous. Medicine had no effectual preparations, which could cure ED of all types. However, in the year 1998, there was an incredible breakthrough. Finally, such preparation was invented and it got the name Viagra. From the very beginning, it took the leading positions in the medical markets around the globe regardless of the sphere of action. Quite soon, in the year 2002, another dependable and effectual preparation followed Viagra. It is known as Cialis. Since those times, these are the greatest competitors in the sphere of ED treatments.

Both preparations meet the highest standards of safety, effectiveness, and reliability. They never give up their positions and are high value among physicians and ordinary customers. They are justly called the real “giants” of the market of ED treatments.

One of the most popular questions that concern these two is their effectiveness. Many Internet customers wish to know whether there is a great difference between them. Some prefer Viagra, while the others choose Cialis. What are the reasons for such preferences?

Well, a lot depends on your personal choices, requirements and some peculiarities of your own organism. Though these preparations have the same mechanism of action and their main active substances drive from one family of drugs, they may affect the organism of the same people in different ways. It is necessary to know their action and main indications.

Clinical Efficacy of Sildenafil and Tadalafil

Each of the products contains in its composition a specific substance that belongs to the class of selective PDE- inhibitors. Viagra contains Sildenafil and Cialis contains Tadalafil. They have similar properties. Each increases the concentration of blood in the pelvic organs through a relaxation of the walls of the blood vessels in the penis. Thus, the erection will become firm and durable. Of course, a simple administration of any of the products will not occur the process of arousal. There should be present a natural reinforcement.

Each drug will surely have an influence on erectile functions. Nevertheless, due to some natural peculiarities of the organism, one of them may not be enough for some people. Under such conditions, it is advised switching to other variants. In general, their effectuality is quite similar.

Nevertheless, there is one distinguishing difference between these two. Cialis makes it possible to achieve an erection in the course of 36 hours in a row. In the meanwhile, you may reach erection with Viagra for 4-5 only. No other ED remedy is capable of repeating the record of Tadalafil.

The Main Properties and Comparison in Details

In the table, which is given below, are described the major indications of both remedies – doses, the start of the action, contraries on the usage, possible consequences and so on.




The Main active substance Sildenafil citrate Tadalafil
The recommended initial dosage 50 mg 10 mg
A duration of action 4-5 hours 36 hours
The required administration time prior the sexual activity 25-30 minutes 15-20 minutes
Contradictions An increased sensitivity to the composition of the remedy, an implementation of the products of the same mechanism of action (including natural herbs) and those containing any form of nitrates, sicknesses that are accompanied by bleeding, heart disorders and ailments of various origin and severity. You should also avoid taking this drug if you have irregular heart rate, used to have a recent stroke (not less than 6 months), arrhythmia, and if your age is lesser than 18 years. Too high sensuality to the ingredients of the medications characterized by severe allergenic reactions, administration of the products that have of the same action, an administration of the products containing any sort of nitrates, a usage of CVD, unstable heart rate, ischemic stroke, age lesser than 18 years, loss of vision 9temporary of permanent) due to some diseases.
Adverse effects Dizziness, dryness of the mouth, some swellings in the areas of the face, headache, the reddening of the face, digestive illnesses, inability to distinguish out of definite colors, the overly sensual perception of the light, different kinds of allergies, a decreased blood pressure. Often headaches, dizziness, muscle pains and cramps, the too sensual perception of the light, heart deviations and illnesses, temporary, visionary and hearing problems, pains in the abdomen.

As you can see, the effects of both products are quite similar. The experts claim that their effectiveness is not that different and you can take any of them. Everything depends on your personal preferences and the response of your organism.

To get more detailed information about all uses of these remedies, their dosing regimen, possible drug combinations and so on, ask an expert in this field.

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